Monday, August 18, 2008

AALS to move meetings from Manchester Grand Hyatt due to owner's Prop 8 support

"I won't play with you not me"

The Executive Committee of the Association of American Law Schools has issued a statement here (dated August 15) that, in order to ensure maximum participation by its members, all programs at its January 2009 Annual Meeting will be held at the San Diego Marriott rather than the Manchester Grand Hyatt, of which some have called for a boycott due to owner Doug Manchester's extensive support of the effort to change the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry. The measure that would do this if passed, Prop 8, will appear on the California ballot in November.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Prop 8 Title & Description Upheld

"Eliminate the negative"?

As reported in the Mercury News here, a California Superior Court judge today rejected the challenge to the re-titling and re-description of Proposition 8 (see Prop 8 Retitled & Redescribed, 26 July 2008, below), the ballot initiative that would change the California constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry. No big surprise here. The trial judge was clearly correct that the new descriptive language was neither false nor misleading. Unless the Prop 8 supporters who challenged the language appeal and win, an extremely unlikely prospect, the ballot should go to the printer Monday, August 11 with language that will transparently convey the real impact of Prop 8 were the voters to approve it.